Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Taken it over

The last few weeks in the .TV world have been all interesting. Lots of fun, drama and laughs. Just over a week ago Magic Rich entered the states and not long thereafter made his way to San Francisco to hnag out with the crew here. Krystyl, PCeasy and myself played tour guides showing him all around. Then there was the epic JTV one year anniversarry where we all drank to much and made fun of just about everyone. Pictures coming shortly from the party!

Yesterday was April Fool's. Lots of Rick Rollin happening on various channels. Some jokes being played on each other. One of them was the joke that Krystyl had set up for me. Just like I suspected the joke was nothing more than to mess with my head. She recruited an 'army' of people to hype the 'joke' up and try to make me nervous and scared. She got me to walk all the way down to the BART station where she said she was. I knew that she probably wouldn't be there but what kind of team player would I be if I didn't go and scope it out anyway. Tony and I get all the way there and what do we find out. Yeah, that Krystyl is at home watching us live and laughing at us with everyone else in on the joke. har har har, I knew what was coming.

This past weekend Anthony from JTV's Quintano Media came to SF with his wife Kim. We walked around for a bit and headed to the JTV office where I ended up taking over the Help Channel that Phil regularly does. Check it all out below.

Krystyl confessing her love for me

LOL, doing car bombs with Quintano was fun times. Watch the highlight clip below for the actual event that took place and to see who the true winner is!

Watch live video from Lifecasting Documentary on

This is me taking over the Help Channel with Mooncricket at my side. Now if only they would see how awesome I really am and give me that job!

This is Phil even saying that I'M TAKEN SHIT OVER!

Watch live video from JTV Help on

Watch live video from JTV Help on

More coming soon. East Coast Vegas returns this weekend. I wonder if my said late night romping adventure will be discussed. Oh boyz I can't wait.

Monday, March 10, 2008

AVA and I'm on my way!

Today I headed to San Francisco's Live105 radio station with JTV staff member Phil, to set up a live feed of Angels and Airwaves (Tom Delonge of Blink 182) performing live. Once the band got there.....

Dave the guitarist goes "Which one of you is Patrick?". Prior to this I have already met these guys through working on their music video for "The War" and Macbeth commercials. So I was all, "Yeah remember we met and all went to dinner last time. You were with two blonde sluts." He then goes, " of them is right over there!". hahahahaha ooooops!

Check out these clips yo

Watch live video from Lifecasting Documentary on

Watch live video from Lifecasting Documentary on

Also.....I may have found me a job today. Nothing is offcial for now. I have to wait to till after they get back from SXSW to see whats up. What am I gonna do.....Work for JTV! lolz. I mean I'm on here all the time anyway so why shouldn't I. Poor Phil just cant handle the work load anymore so he needs assistance. Would be cool....stay tuned for that one.

There will be another Live105 performance on Thursday the 13th with The Bravery at Bottom of the Hill. Since Phil is in Texas I am going out there to set up their gear to broadcast live. Coming soon will also be the JTV one year anniversary party on the 22nd.

One last thing. I found this to be the best highlight clip EVER! haha

Watch live video from Angie Romasanta on

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hype it up YoMaMa!

Give Leslie a few drinks and she gets the party started. Last night was apparently a drink-a-thon to promote Laurina of HypeTV. She danced, sang, played dress up and well....

since Leslie has the hott's for me she wrote my name on her body. haha go check out the highlight clip!

Watch live video from YoMaMa on

and oh yeah....go vote for Hype it up as well.

Friday, February 15, 2008


My Valentine's Day card made by broadcaster Jane_ds

We celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday with a fist full of rage at the annual Valentine's Day Pillow Fight in San Francisco. Several hundred peole participated in the event. It was chaos with pillows being thrown at every turn, along with the feathers that filled the air and then soon filled our lungs.

Withj all the pillow punches thrown and recieved, the laptop crashed and froze twice killing the broadcast feed. But I was still able to get some good footage that didn't consist of one giant motion blur. Chaeck it out below.

Watch live video from Lifecasting Documentary on

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Morphin Time!

NBC's hit show Heroes will introduce a new character next season. With the writer strike claiming many jobs, producers turned to the internet to find the next talent. So now with the strike finally coming to an end NBC has announced that Patrick of Lifedoc will be introduced as a new hero on season 3. His powers haven't been fully reveled but right now we now that he can take the form of B list celebrity's.

Patrick was brought to the attention of NBC producers thanks to a community user by the name of Nickcast. It is also rumored that Patrick has signed to a three picture deal with Miramax. Nick is now in negotiations to to represent all JTV talent for future jobs and marketing research.

Some still frames from next season can be seen below.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I luv my viewers!

So what do Dealer and I have in common? Well, we both don't have a job and we both have viewers that are nice enough to hook us up! Dealer is better off than me on that last part but none the less tonight after stating I was hungry tonight, one of my viewers Jesse_luvsu stated he would buy me a pizza. I was sort of hesitant to if this was a real legitimate offer. I gave him the number and what I wanted. Half hour later I walked down a few blocks and picked up a large Spinach and Pesto Pizza!

Now if you don't know jess_luvsu, he is almost as big of a shit talker as the legendary TXballa, gettin banned from every other room. He jokes but always comes back to my channel to say what's up.

So Jesse....thanks! Patrick_luvsu

Also....thank you chinny and Robyn (Whatthefrack) for your hard earned money in the chipin! Rockstars.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

music and filmmaking

The last two nights have been pretty fun and entertaning while making also making for some great

Friday night PCeasy and I went down to the filming of the new movie Harvey Milk directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Sean Penn. We waited and waited, then finally marched in a silent protest down Market st holding candles. We did this about four more times then left to go drinking, haha. Check out some highlight clips below.

The Producer gives us directions on what to do and what's going on.

Watch live video from lifedoc on

Director Gus Van Sant says very little haha

Watch live video from lifedoc on

Tonight...Saturday, PCeasy and I met up again and drove out to San Rafael to check out Jon Valenti's live performance at Borders. He played for about an hour and had a lot of fun doing it. It was very laid back and casual. Noah from LIC Motorsports was also at the event and was also broadcasting the show live from his channel. It was fun doing a dual broadcast from different angles and for different viewers in both channels. Check the whole show out below.

Watch live video from lifedoc on

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Will it ever be the same?

The last couple of weeks what recently has been on my mind concerning and Lifecasting is the lack of content people are bringing as a whole. I've recently noticed so many new people coming and going that it has almost been too overwhelming to try and make contact with most of these people. Or better yet, why? Because they will most likely be gone in a short time.

When lifecasters such as Justin himself and even Justine started showing their lives 24/7, it was a real LIFEcast. They would have hundreds of people in their channel chatting when said broadcaster wasn't even paying attention to the chatroom. Today you still have broadcasters such as Dealer that still keeps it strong and does his thing away from talking to his viewers all the time while still maintaining a following.

But every channel now has someone looking at the camera and talking to the viewers non stop. Will it ever get back to people doing a real lifecast? Do people even care? It doesn't seem like it. I've even had people tell me that if someone was out mobile and doing something fun and entertaing that they would probably only watch for a few minutes if no one was chatting in the room already. Then the average question that I see when not paying attention to the chat room is usually something like "Hello? You there? why aren't you talking to me?". Or better yet someone just says "bye" when you go on with your life and not the chatroom.

Unless people are being verbally entertained it seems like no one cares. Can it get back to where the chat is just as entertaining without the broadcaster talking. Mooncricket is the master of keeping his life real while broadcasting it online. If he gets a chance he will talk to whoever is there. The following message was left in my channel yesterday morning while I was lifecasting on my way to work and then physically working setting up lights for a stage play.
Maybe this is just a rant that only a few will care about but I miss the days of seeing something real on here.

And as don't have to be mobile to be entertaining and real.


Monday, February 4, 2008

JTV photo shoot

Krystyl unveiled some new pictures of a recent photo shoot she did over the weekend. Nothing like giving the boys at JTV some free promotion right, especially dressed like this. Props to Krystyl and models everywhere.

Friday, February 1, 2008

First Post - ECV Blog and Hypetv Birthday Party!

So I thought I would start this blog to inform people of things going on with us on the creation of the lifecasting documentary as well as any fun news we have to share.

Yesterday night I attended Hypetv's birthday party at some swank night club. I was very under dressed and the only white kid in there. Lot's of greasy hair and popped collars. Met Amanda from the Tila Tequila reality show and was up on stage shooting live footage on the web cam of girls shakin booty all over the place.

Check out the East Coast Vegas blog for the audio conversation with all of us talking about the event as well as the photo below.

Patrick of Lifedoc, Amanda from Tila Tequila reality show & HypeTV

Watch live video from lifedoc on somewhat related news check out the other blog posted by ECV about me getting caught stealing! hahaha.