Sunday, February 10, 2008

I luv my viewers!

So what do Dealer and I have in common? Well, we both don't have a job and we both have viewers that are nice enough to hook us up! Dealer is better off than me on that last part but none the less tonight after stating I was hungry tonight, one of my viewers Jesse_luvsu stated he would buy me a pizza. I was sort of hesitant to if this was a real legitimate offer. I gave him the number and what I wanted. Half hour later I walked down a few blocks and picked up a large Spinach and Pesto Pizza!

Now if you don't know jess_luvsu, he is almost as big of a shit talker as the legendary TXballa, gettin banned from every other room. He jokes but always comes back to my channel to say what's up.

So Jesse....thanks! Patrick_luvsu

Also....thank you chinny and Robyn (Whatthefrack) for your hard earned money in the chipin! Rockstars.

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